Spurious Emissions Goes Live!

So I’ve tried this sort of thing in the past, but it’s never really stuck. This time will be different though because I actually paid for a real domain, right?! We’ll see…

Anyway, here’s another crack at making a site to ramble about random things I do in my free time. I’m going to start by working through a backlog of projects I’ve done in the past as a way to figure out how this whole blog thing works. Potential topics include: electronics, 3D printing, making stuff with wood, banging my head against the wall with GNU Radio, learning machine learning as a non-machine, DIY projects around the house…

Although the site’s pretty half-baked at the moment, I’m going to fire it up anyway so I can get some momentum rolling. You can find all of the pages that I have so far listed on the sidebar to the right. Once I have a bit more material, I’ll try organizing everything better… baby steps! As riveting as this first post is, I don’t anticipate a lot of traffic, so drop me a line and make my day!

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